Jumat, 30 November 2007

Love Makes Rational

Do you ever fall in love?? i guess most of you ever. And do you realize that when you fall in love you do something that unusual and irational. In economic if you do something that you don't 
like and it make disutility it means that you do something irational.
Otherwise if you do something that make you in your maximum utility it means you are rational people.

But in some case, you do irationalthings. The case is when you fall in love. When you fall in love maybe you done many things that irational for you.
Like you cut ur hair short even you don't like it,
you spend your time to wait the girl pass in front of you even you hate to wait for long time,
and many more irational thing that you make when you fall in love.

It seems that you be an irational man when you fall in love. But the fact is opposite, you are not irational, you are amazingly rational people. Why? because you do something that make you in your maximum utility even the things that you hate most.

Funny hah? the power of love can make the irational things become rational. I mean that when you fall in love anything that irational to you to done become rational, because you satisfy when do the irational things just to get some attention from the person that you love, or even more you expect to get her love.

So, for every man or girl in there that fall in love, don't afraid to do many irational things to get your love, because you will get maximum utility to do that.

3 komentar:

Cha mengatakan...

How about if man's efforts being close to woman make that woman doesnt respon or doesnt like that man?the result, those efforts give him disutility, so can we say that man is posibble to do irrational things that he is not supposed to do to attrack woman?

u1 mengatakan...

Eisha, i had think about that posibility, and maybe we can use game theory.

1st: the man effort(cost and anything) make she love him, and the pay off is unlimited(perhaps happy ever after). lets say the cost is 100 but the pay off is uncomparatively.

2nd: the man effort didn't make she love him. lets say he just lost the sunk cost(100). and maybe he happy with the experience to make a move to get close.

and i think if the possibility geting uncomparatively happines are small, but its acceptable to get that chance.

for further maybe we can use sequential game. let say he get the girl and after that they broke up, and i think there still worth for the man to get experience with her, even in short run.

elisabeth lukas mengatakan...

You make love theory based on economics..haha. that's right that love makes people do things beyond reason. When u fall in love, you'll never feel enough to give to someone whom u love...

love = give
give x love

that's love