Jumat, 23 November 2007

The Significance of "biasa murah" and "enak mahal"

Okay, I have this buddy pal. We've been friends since the third time i stepped my feet to FEUI. We do a lot things together including coming to classes late, going to movies, visiting pool, skipping pa1 and pa2 (we both and my other 15 friends failed in pa2), doing things considered academically dangerous and the like. Not to mention wasting times to play some card.

(I'm not gonna tell you story about us, it's the human behavior in term of economic I would like to analyze)

First, I see him (my friend above) as one of the "haves". Well, I mean he definitely doesn't have any economy problem, if not rich. Secondly, from the times we spent together (dooh) I saw that he consumed services and goods economically.

We once had this conversation :
"makan yu, terserah dmn"
"Sate mau ga?"
"yauda si, dmn?"
"ada nih, deket ruma gw, highly recommended"
"Oh, ok. Tp enak kan?"
"enak enak, eh ngga juga si. biasa murah"
"Iya, gw sering beli disitu, rasanya biasa tp murah"

Well, I'm not saying that he is cheap. But according to the economic theory I used to learn, people will try to maximize his/her satisfaction with the minimum sacrifice. In my friend case, he just wanted to minimize his sacrifice without maximum satisfaction. And in a certain theory, the decision of people when they meet regular problems (let's say getting dinner) is influenced only by what they think is the most beneficial for them.

But let's get subjective here, and please forget the ceteris paribus for a while. I and my several friends choose to pay more money if the food tastes better. I maximize my satisfaction by buying goods or services that serves satisfactory. And the I will pay it as long as I consider it reasonable (that's the consumer surplus).

It's not the only sample I use to explain (or question?) the anomaly of consumer behavior, I don't play tight. There's a massive number of samples in everyday-type-activities that I do believe are identical with the sample above.

The main point I'm trying to deliver here is, whether a consumer wants to maximize his satisfaction with a minimum sacrifice or whether he wants to minimize his sacrifice only without any consideration of satisfaction depends on what the consumer think is the most beneficial for him and eventually satisfying him (and again another term of satisfaction).

7 komentar:

Fik mengatakan...

Cari yang enak murah, kali.

Advanced International Economics at FEUI mengatakan...

ga, yuan..
before i start giving comment to your writings, i think i should give my comment on your idea of blog.
gila lo ya !! gue baru baca namanya aja udah ketawa2 sendiri !! terus baca penjelasana tentang blognya , makin ketawa !!
apalagi baca tentang Mastersnya (lo bedua ), sumpah lucu banget !! very fresh !!!
thanks ya bo udah mambuat hari senin day-off gue yang agak kelabu karena sakit ini kembali berwarna..

P.S.: comment tentang tulisan menyusul yak! males mikir bo!! hehhe

Batari Saraswati mengatakan...

minimize his sacrifice without maximum satisfaction. hahaha. it`s funny!

kalau kasus gua, sacrifice makan masakan sendiri setiap hari, demi sebuah Ipod Touch di akhir tahun. kalau itu apa istilahnya?

u1 mengatakan...

batari saraswati, klo seperti kasus anda berarti itu mempending konsumsi sekarang untuk mengkonsumsi lebih di masa datang...bahasa lainya 'nabung'.

satisfaction anda ga akan berkurang secara rata2, karena kekurangan utility saat ini(asumsi masakan anda ga enak) akan tergantikan dengan utility yg lebih di masa yg akan datang dengan sebuah ipod touch.

kasusnya sama seperti puasa, ngurangin utility buat makan dari pagi pe magrib, pas magrib makan berlebihan.

ronsi mengatakan...

kalo ga ada temennya, pasti ke kantek apa ke kafe? kafe or kopet
meskipun ada faktor biasa murah,enak mahal, tp kl ga ada temennya, analisisny gmn u1?

u1 mengatakan...

Ronald, klo seperti itu berarti orang tersebut memiliki utilitas untuk makan bersama dengan teman2nya, jadi meski murah biasa atau mahal enak itu tidak akan membuat ia mencapai maximum utility jika makanya tanpa temannya.

jadi kesimpulannya basket utility untuk setiap orang beda2.

Fakhrul mengatakan...

it just about the importance of choice criteria in every person...

in fact.. the author is relatively sensitive about the price than the taste...

tergantung yang lu mau aja.... kali

ha.. ha,..